These source files are designed to assist plugin developers in the use of the Virindi View Service. The Wrapper*.cs files contain a set of classes which abstract the concept of an AC view provider, allowing a plugin to easily switch between Decal views and Virindi Views. ViewSystemSelector.cs contains a class which detects the presence of the Virindi View System, which allows a plugin to use VVS when it is available but fall-back to normal Decal views when it is not. The View System Selector returns classes implementing the MetaViewWrapper interfaces. The AddonControls directory contains additional controls, built on the MetaViewWrappers, which may be useful. They are designed to provide the same interface whether created with Decal or Virindi views. The ViewWrapperCodeGenerator directory contains a simple utility to assist in coding plugins which use the view wrappers. It takes as input a view .xml file and outputs C# code defining common UI element classes, as well as initialization and disposal functions. NOTE: By default, the output code must be modified to specify your .xml's source. The ExamplePlugin directory contains an example plugin using the MetaViewWrappers.