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The "/vt mexec [expression]" command is used for testing these expressions
The "/vt mexec [expression]" command is used for testing these expressions
= Meta Functions =
= Function Information =
Expand to view details and available examples.
Expand to view details and available examples.

Revision as of 03:28, 5 January 2015

These expressions can set and retrieve variables, control chat output, and more.

This adds the "Expression" meta condition and the "Expression Action" and "Chat Expression" meta actions.

The "/vt mexec [expression]" command is used for testing these expressions

Function Information

Expand to view details and available examples.

There are currently 47 meta functions.


Description: Tests if a meta variable is defined. Returns true if it is, or false otherwise.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The variable name to test

Example: testvar[variableName]


Description: Returns the value of a meta variable, or false if it is not defined.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The variable name to get

Example: getvar[exampleVar]


Description: Sets the value of a meta variable.

Parameter count: 2

Param 0 (String): The variable name to set

Example: variables can be strings or integers

setvar[exampleVar, variable]

setvar[exampleVar, 1]


Description: Sets the value of a meta variable to false if the variable was previously undefined. Returns true if the variable was previously defined, or false otherwise.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The variable name to touch

Example: touchvar[exampleVar]


Description: Undefines all meta variables.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Undefines a single meta variable. Returns true if the variable was previously defined, otherwise false.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The variable name to clear

Example: clearvar[exampleVar]


Description: Returns a character intvalue property, or false if the property is not defined.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): IntValueKey property id.


Description: Returns a character doublevalue property, or false if the property is not defined.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): DoubleValueKey property id.


Description: Returns a character quadvalue property, or false if the property is not defined. Because expression variables are doubles, precision will be lost if the value is greater than 2^53-1 (~9 quadrillion)

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): QuadValueKey property id


Description: Returns a character boolvalue property, or false if the property is not defined.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): BoolValueKey property id


Description: Returns a character stringvalue property, or false if the property is not defined.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): StringValueKey property id.


Description: Returns the landcell the player is currently standing in as a number, including the landblock portion
Parameter count: 0


Description: Returns the global 3d coordinates for the player's current location, based on the game physics prediction model. Returns a coordinates object.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Returns the north/south portion of a coordinates object as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Coordinates): The coordinates object.


Description: Returns the west/east portion of a coordinates object as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Coordinates): The coordinates object.


Description: Returns the z (vertical) portion of a coordinates object as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Coordinates): The coordinates object.


Description: Returns the the string representation of a coordinates object.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Coordinates): The coordinates object.


Description: Builds a coordinates object from a string. It should be of the form '00.0N, 00.0W'. Z coordinates are not specified. Returns false in case of parse failure.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The coordinates string.


Description: Returns the 3d distance between two coordinates. The result is a number specified in meters.

Parameter count: 2

Param 0 (Coordinates): The first coordinates object.

Param 1 (Coordinates): The second coordinates object.


Description: Returns the 2d distance between two coordinates. The result is a number specified in meters. Z coordinates are ignored.

Parameter count: 2

Param 0 (Coordinates): The first coordinates object.

Param 1 (Coordinates): The second coordinates object.


Description: Queries the game's physics prediction model for the coordinates of a given object. Returns a coordinates object.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to examine.


Description: Returns the name string for a given world object.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to examine.


Description: Returns the objectclass for a given world object, as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to examine.


Description: Returns the game template type for a given world object, as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to examine.


Description: Returns the a boolean indicating if a door object is open.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The door world object to examine.


Description: Returns a world object for the nearest monster, or false if no monsters are visible. Ignores blacklisted monsters.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Returns a world object for the nearest door, or false if no doors are visible.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Returns a world object for the nearest object of a given class number, or false if no matching objects are visible.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): The objectclass number to look for.


Description: Returns a world object for the first inventory object of a given template type number, or false if no matching objects are visible.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): The template type number to look for.


Description: Returns a world object for the first inventory object of a given name, or false if no matching objects are visible.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The item name to look for.


Description: Returns a world object for the selected object, or false if nothing is selected.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Returns a world object for the player.

Parameter count: 0


Description: Attempts to select a world object.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to attempt to select.


Description: Attempts to use a world object by itself (like a potion or door).

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to attempt to use.


Description: Attempts to use a world object on another world object. Returns false if failed and true if the attempt could possibly succeed.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (WorldObject): The world object to use first.

Param 1 (WorldObject): The world object to be used on.


Description: Takes any type and returns true if and only if it is a number with value 0 (false). Returns false otherwise.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Any): The object to examine


Description: Takes any type and returns true if and only if it is a number with a value other than 0 (true). Returns false otherwise.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Any): The object to examine


Description: Examines the first parameter. If it is true, the second parameter is returned. Otherwise, the third parameter is returned. (If the first parameter is not a number, the third parameter is returned.)

Parameter count: 3

Param 0 (Any): The object to examine

Param 1 (Any): What to return if the first parameter is true.

Param 2 (Any): What to return if the first parameter is not true


Description: Returns a random integer between min and max

Parameter count: 2

Param 0 (Number): Minimum

Param 1 (Number): Maximum


Description: Converts a number to a string.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Number): The number to convert


Description: Returns the number of characters in a string, as a number.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (String): The string to examine


Description: Returns the internal typeid for a given object as a number. Values are: 0=none, 1=number, 3=string, 7=object.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Any): The object to examine


Description: Converts a number to a string using a specified format.

Parameter count: 2

Param 0 (Number): The number to convert

Param 1 (String): The format string to use. See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kfsatb94.aspx


Description: Creates and returns a stopwatch object. Counting is not started.
Parameter count: 0


Description: Starts counting on a stopwatch. Returns the stopwatch

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Stopwatch): The stopwatch to start


Description: Starts counting on a stopwatch. Returns the stopwatch.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Stopwatch): The stopwatch to stop


Description: Measures the number of seconds elapsed on a stopwatch.

Parameter count: 1

Param 0 (Stopwatch): The stopwatch to query