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* '''/vt settings [save/load/savechar/loadchar] [filename]''' - Saves or loads character setting profiles. Savechar/loadchar apply to MineOnly profiles.
* '''/vt settings [save/load/savechar/loadchar] [filename]''' - Saves or loads character setting profiles. Savechar/loadchar apply to MineOnly profiles.
* '''/vt nav [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves/loads a navigation profile.
* '''/vt nav [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves or loads a navigation profile.
* '''/vt loot [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves or loads a loot profile.
* '''/vt loot [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves or loads a loot profile.
* '''/vt meta [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves or loads a meta profile.
* '''/vt meta [save/load] [filename]''' - Saves or loads a meta profile.

Revision as of 23:22, 4 January 2015

/vt commands - Profiles

  • /vt settings [save/load/savechar/loadchar] [filename] - Saves or loads character setting profiles. Savechar/loadchar apply to MineOnly profiles.
  • /vt nav [save/load] [filename] - Saves or loads a navigation profile.
  • /vt loot [save/load] [filename] - Saves or loads a loot profile.
  • /vt meta [save/load] [filename] - Saves or loads a meta profile.
  • /vt opt [list/get/set/setinall] - lists, gets, or sets an advanced option - Options List
  • /vt testitem - Checks the currently selected item against the current loot rules, and tells you what the action would be if the item were found on a corpse.
  • /vt propertydump - Displays the raw game properties for the currently selected item.
  • /vt addnavpt coords - Adds a navigation waypoint at the specified coordinates to the end of the current navigation profile.
  • /vt refresh - Refreshes the UI. This also causes the list of profile files in the profile dropdowns to be updated.
  • /vt getdb - Attempts redownload of the latest game information database.

/vt commands - Actions

  • /vt start - Turns the macro on
  • /vt stop - Turns the macro off
  • /vt forcebuff - Initiates a forcebuff
  • /vt cancelforcebuff - Cancels a forcebuff
  • /vt setmetastate statename - Sets the meta state to the statename
  • /vt fakedeath - Used to test the Character Death trigger in meta, rather than killing yourself
  • /vt deletemonster - Select a monster, then do /vt deletemonster to force the client to delete it.
  • /vt reverseroute true/false - Reverses the currently loaded navroute
  • /vt reverseroutequery - Returns the value of /vt reverseroute (true/false)
  • /vt equipitemsfor monstername - each use of this command will invoke one step of the process, such as going to peace mode or equipping a weapon. Multiple calls to this command will probably be required for expected operation.
  • /vt mexec expression - Evaluates an expression. Used to test expressions before using in a meta. (Setting variables this way is the same as setting in a meta)
  • /vt echo text - Simply outputs the text given to it back to the user, with a custom VCS preset. Makes it easier to color meta feedback messages.

/vt commands - Game Info

  • /vt dumpspells - Dumps the client spell table to C:\spelldump.txt
  • /vt dumpspecies - Dumps the client species table to C:\speciesdump.txt
  • /vt dumpmats - Dumps the client material table to C:\matdump.txt
  • /vt dumpskills

- Dumps the client skill table to C:\skilldump.txt

/vt commands - Debug

  • /vt log - Displays the current logging state.
  • /vt log type on/off - Sets or unsets logging of a particular type. Valid types are ActiveRule, SalvageList, SpellCast, RuleInfo, Timers, CastInfo, DebuffChoice, Loot, CharProps, Misc
  • /vt testmonster - Select a monster and issue the command to evaluate the selected monster against your Monster List Match rules
  • /vt lockdump -
  • /vt dumptracker -
  • /vt clearlocks -
  • /vt clearbusy -
  • /vt listmonstervariables - Lists the supported monster expression variables (true, false, name, typeid, species, maxhp, range, hasshield, metastate)
  • /vt dumpmetavars - Lists the currently set meta variables
  • /vt listmetafunctions - Lists all meta functions
  • /vt metafunchelp function - Gives detailed information for each function