ObjectClass | LandCell | X | Y | Z | Name | PortalDest | Contributor | LandBlock | 14 | FFFFFFFFCE940102 | 63.00 | 17.21 | 0.06 | Citadel Library | Citadel Library | Cocknballs | CE94 |
14 | 5A44015A | -29.52 | -47.58 | -0.08 | Citadel Valley | Citadel Valley (58.2N, 47.9E). | Roogon | 5A44 |
14 | 5844015A | -31.12 | -47.58 | -0.08 | Citadel Valley | Citadel Valley (57.4N, 47.2E). | Gcm1 | 5844 |
14 | 5744015A | -31.92 | -47.58 | -0.08 | Citadel Valley | Citadel Valley (57.0N, 48.1E). | Gcm1 | 5744 |
14 | 5852015A | -31.12 | -36.38 | -0.08 | Citadel Valley | Citadel Valley (58.3N, 47.7E). | Immortalbob | 5852 |
14 | 5944015A | -30.32 | -47.58 | -0.08 | Citadel Valley | Citadel Valley (57.6N, 48.6E). | Bullets | 5944 |
37 | 49F00022 | -43.09 | 90.21 | 0.77 | Claire Artmad | | Ashake | 49F0 |
37 | A3012D | -100.20 | 27.70 | -0.15 | Claude the Archmage | | Wattson | A3 |
37 | A301C6 | -101.03 | 27.88 | -0.05 | Claude the Archmage | | Wattson | A3 |
37 | A3010C | -100.91 | 27.66 | -0.15 | Claude the Archmage | | Kawfee | A3 |
37 | A301E9 | -100.49 | 27.87 | -0.05 | Claude the Archmage | | Wattson | A3 |
37 | A30180 | -101.70 | 27.74 | -0.07 | Claude the Archmage | | Donkipunch | A3 |
25 | 11350100 | -88.29 | -59.20 | 0.30 | Claude the Archmage | | Virindi | 1135 |
37 | A3030B | -101.38 | 28.32 | 0.00 | Claude the Archmage | | Wattson | A3 |
37 | D5012D | -100.20 | 67.70 | -0.15 | Claude the Archmage | | Darktorizo | D5 |
37 | D501E9 | -100.49 | 67.87 | -0.05 | Claude the Archmage | | Darktorizo | D5 |
37 | D5010C | -100.91 | 67.66 | -0.15 | Claude the Archmage | | Darktorizo | D5 |
37 | D5030B | -101.38 | 68.32 | 0.00 | Claude the Archmage | | Shadewhite | D5 |
37 | D50180 | -101.70 | 67.74 | -0.07 | Claude the Archmage | | Dikket | D5 |
37 | D501C6 | -101.03 | 67.88 | -0.05 | Claude the Archmage | | Dikket | D5 |
37 | 23DA002B | -73.44 | 72.75 | 0.01 | Clemenza | | Ashake | 23DA |
37 | 54560154 | -34.71 | -33.35 | -0.10 | Cocooned Auroch | | Rabidman | 5456 |
37 | 5456025E | -34.58 | -33.24 | -0.02 | Cocooned Auroch | | Rabidman | 5456 |
37 | D10DBA | -101.45 | 64.97 | -0.02 | Cocooned Auroch | | Justin | D1 |
37 | D10B22 | -101.00 | 64.75 | -0.07 | Cocooned Auroch | | Justin | D1 |
37 | D10153 | -101.67 | 64.51 | -0.12 | Cocooned Auroch | | Justin | D1 |
37 | D1083A | -101.54 | 64.47 | -0.07 | Cocooned Auroch | | Justin | D1 |
37 | D10584 | -100.83 | 64.42 | -0.12 | Cocooned Auroch | | Amirror | D1 |
37 | D10E5A | -101.31 | 64.61 | -0.02 | Cocooned Auroch | | Virindi | D1 |
37 | 5A44019F | -29.84 | -47.99 | 0.00 | Coffin | | Ashake | 5A44 |
37 | 5944019F | -30.64 | -47.99 | 0.00 | Coffin | | Cisus | 5944 |
37 | 5744019F | -32.24 | -47.99 | 0.00 | Coffin | | Maddmazz | 5744 |
37 | 5844019F | -31.44 | -47.99 | 0.00 | Coffin | | Maddmazz | 5844 |
37 | 5852019F | -31.44 | -36.79 | 0.00 | Coffin | | Immortalbob | 5852 |
14 | 526901A8 | -35.93 | -18.53 | -0.00 | Cold Feet Portal | Cold Feet Portal (32.8N, 55.3E). | Farquad | 5269 |
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